Music 1770: Intro to Music Technology

MU 1770C Spring 2024



Grades (PDF) are updated, now current as of 4/30. Please check for accuracy.


Please fill out this survey. Note: this is not the standard official course evaluation. WHen you have completed the survey below, please go to your myUVM portal to complete the regular course evaluation.


90% of technical problems are solved by

  1. is it plugged in/on/connected?
  2. did you restart the application?
  3. did you relaunch the system or restart the device?
Related: see this xkcd Tech Support Cheat Sheet comic for software issues.
It is funny, but also true.

PRO TIP on cloud storage of files

(amplifying here a comment I made in Yellowdig)

When storing files in the cloud, if they are not super-common file types like .doc or .pdf or .wav, it’s a good idea to zip (compress) them before uploading. If the cloud computers don’t recognize a file extension, sometimes the file is not properly transmitted and gets corrupted. Zipping a file puts it in a virtual "box" (which all computers do know how to handle) and leaves the contents alone. So if you ever have trouble with a Logic file you passed through Teams or OneDrive or something, try zipping it and see if that fixes it. Ditto for emailing files.

If you have any remaining problem moving Logic or Sibelius files around, let me know.

Recent Announcements

Assignment 1 answer key video

Here is a video discussion with answers to the questions on Assignment 1.


You’re on it! We will be using Brightspace only to access the online discussion. You will submit assignments via upload to Teams, or online forms, or via email. I will post grades here as well, updated every 1-2 weeks.


An Introduction to Music Technology by Dan Hosken, 2nd ed. ISBN 9780415825733

See the syllabus for other required materials. All additional instructional materials (video lectures, handouts, web pages) will be posted here.

Hardware and Lab Access

You may work in the Eaton Technology Lab, Southwick 200D (our classroom) during building hours except when another class scheduled there. Your CatCard will give you access; if it does not, let me know.

You can also do much of the work remotely on your own computer (all of the work, if you have a Mac) using free trial or inexpensive software. See syllabus for details.


We will not meet in person the week of April 15.