Music 156: Harmony & Form Lab IV


Scalar Quizzes

The following criteria apply for all the scalar quizzes:

The scalar quizzes are cumulative: on any quiz date I may ask you to play material from any prior quiz.

Quiz 1: major-family diatonic modes
Be able to play Lydian, Ionian, and Mixolydian starting on any white note.

Quiz 2: minor-family diatonic modes
Be able to play Dorian, Aeolian, Phrygian, and Locrian starting on any white note.

Quiz 3: pentatonic
Be able to play the minor and major pentatonics (pent modes I & II) starting on any pitch.

Quiz 4: major-family diatonic modes, II
Be able to play Lydian, Ionian, and Mixolydian starting on any pitch.

Quiz 5: minor-family diatonic modes, II
Be able to play Dorian, Aeolian, Phrygian, and Locrian starting on any pitch.

Quiz 6: pentatonic, II
Be able to play the major pentatonic in "scalar thirds" (which are mostly p4, actually) in G-flat and any one other key.

Quiz 7: WT and Lydian dominant
Be able to play the WT and Lydian dominant scales starting on any pitch. You do not need to learn all 7 modes of the Lydian dominant, just the one.

Quiz 8: octatonic
Be able to play a W-H octatonic scale beginning on any pitch. Extra credit: do H-W as well.

Quiz 9: grand finale
Be able to play all the material in the above quizzes.