Yamaha J2007322 was manufactured in Jakarta in 2002. It was purchased for the church by English Professor Mike Manheim, Strafford resident and lover of the arts. A fund was established in Mike’s name after his passing in 2011 to support musical offerings at the church. His widow Martha, 97 at this writing, remains an active member of the church and its social justice mission.* The piano is a central feature of church life, often used in the monthly concerts oragnized by Annemieke as music director.
At just under 5 feet, the GA1 model is the smallest of Yamaha grands. The touch was heavier than most Yamahas, and the action was a little unpredictable. Annemieke was glad my assessment matched hers, as it can be hard to be objective about a piano one is very used to, and she may recommend that the church have the action regulated.
*Noting the unusual spelling of Manheim, I followed up and realized that the Manheim’s son Dan, also an English professor, was my colleague in my first full-time teaching position at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky. Small world!