Grades (PDF) current as of 12/11, posted by confidential 4-character code.
Your net course average is based on these weightings:
- quizzes and teoria drills, 30%
- written assignments, 20%
- tests, 50% (ultimately counting tests 1 & 2 @ 15%, final @ 20%)
Please check carefully and let me know right away of any errors or problems.
"xc" means that you have arranged an extension or that this assignment is excused for you. However, current averages are calculated as if you were simply missing these points.
If you did not submit a grade code, you may email me me with any 4-character confidential identifier, and I will post your grades with the next update.
Grades in individual columns may be rounded, but the calculated averages take into account any hidden decimal places.
For example, a score of 8.5/10, which may appear in its column as 9, is actually counted as 8.5 in computing your average.