Music 009: Music Theory Fundamentals

Track of the Week

Week 3: Mystery Track

This week's track comes with an extra-credit assignment. If you want to do it, read these directions first, before scrolling down.

Extra Credit

For extra credit, listen carefully to the sound file below. (This calls for decent speakers or headphones.) Write down all the different instruments you hear. If you don't know the name of a certain instrument, describe its sound and try to describe what sort of thing it is (e.g. "a hard metal tube being hit by something wooden"). Then write a paragraph describing your reaction to the piece.

Get this to me either via email or on paper, but before Wednesday, Sep. 19 to be credited.

Mystery Clip:

Only after you have done this...

...continue below to see the piece being performed. (Different performance; slower; very nice)

Click to reveal the video...