David Feurzeig

Student and Peer Teaching Observations

Chair-solicited observations by department faculty

by Prof. Patricia Julien
by Prof. David Neiweem
by Sr. Lecturer Sylvia Parker
by Prof. Patti Riley
by Prof. Alex Stewart

Chair-solicited letters from alumni

by Andy Gagnon ’13
by David Porter ’14
by David Oliveira (Clancy)’16
by Nicholas Patyk ’16
by Sophie Thorup ’17

The following supplemental letters were unsolicited and not written for this review:

Teaching observations by non-department faculty

Detailed appreciation by Prof. Dennis Mahoney (German) of my guest lecture in “Wagner at 200: Achievement and Influence”.

Classroom observation of MU 154 Harmony & Form Lab III by Joan Rosebush, Senior Lecturer in CEMS and Chair of the K-M Award Committe.

Brief thank-you from “Wagner at 200” co-instructor Prof. Tom Simone (English).

Kroepsch-Maurice Award nominations

Student nominations for the 2012 K-M award.

These were submitted in 2011 but forwarded to me in 2012 after the selection process was completed. (This did not occur with my subsequent K-M nominations.)