Green Vermont state with piano keys across the top Play Every Town

252 Community Concerts for a Cooler Climate


The Play Every Town project is a pro bono contribution to the people and towns of Vermont.

I receive no performance fee, and there is no charge to presenters or concertgoers. 100% of donations collected at each performance benefit a designated local or state environmental- or climate-related organization, not the Play Every Town project.

There are expenses, however. I employ students who help with promotion and logistics. Most presenting venues cover the cost of piano tuning, but on occasion the project pays for tuning at under-resourced venues. All concerts incur travel costs (auto mileage) and some require lodging as well.

You can support the project with a tax-deductible contribution in one of two ways:

Online at

By mail: Make checks out to “UVM Foundation” with “Play Every Town Fund” in the memo line and send to
UVM Foundation
411 Main Street
Burlington, VT 05401

The UVM Foundation’s tax ID is 45-1556038.