Play Every Town

251 252 Community Concerts for a Cooler Climate


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  • Westford: June 2, Red Brick Meeting House, 1713 Route 128, Westford, 4 pm

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Past concerts

Click a town on the map to read, see, and hear about past events, or scroll down to view towns in calendar or list format.

recently posted write-ups:

Salisbury (9/23/23) posted 10/16
Ferrisburgh (9/22/23) posted 10/2
Barnard (9/15/23) posted 9/18

Grafton, Cornwall, Shelburne, Bennington, Manchester, Middlesex, Brunswick, Bakersfield, Albany, Warren, Coventry, Hyde Park, Starksboro, Dorset, Wardsboro, St. Albans City, Moretown, Fairlee, Waitsfield, Vershire, Franklin, Newbury, Shrewsbury, Pawlet, and Weston write-ups coming soon

The Barnard concert took place on 9/15/23. Here is the concert write-up.

The Berlin concert took place on 8/22/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Brownington concert took place on 5/15/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Burlington concert took place on 5/6/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Calais concert took place on 9/10/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Cambridge concert took place on 6/25/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Charlotte concert took place on 2/12/23. Here is the concert write-up.

The Chelsea concert took place on 10/15/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Chester concert took place on 10/23/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Essex Junction concert took place on 3/26/23. Here is the concert write-up.

The Ferrisburgh concert took place on 9/22/23. Here is the concert write-up.

The Guilford concert took place on 7/9/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Hardwick concert took place on 6/12/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Jericho concert took place on 3/4/23. Here is the concert write-up.

The Landgrove concert took place on 8/11/23. Here is the concert write-up.

The Ludlow concert took place on 11/6/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Newark concert took place on 11/6/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Newport City concert took place on 9/17/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Northfield concert took place on 10/28/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Randolph concert took place on 10/7/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Richmond concert took place on 10/7/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Rockingham concert took place on 7/8/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Rutland Town concert took place on 7/22/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Salisbury concert took place on 9/23/23. Here is the concert write-up.

The Sharon concert took place on 11/13/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Sheldon concert took place on 9/30/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The South Hero concert took place on 4/22/23. Here is the concert write-up.

The Strafford concert took place on 7/15/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Thetford concert took place on 1/21/23. Here is the concert write-up.

The Underhill concert took place on 5/21/22. Here is the concert write-up.

The Westmore concert took place on 8/28/22. Here is the concert write-up.

last updated May 18, 2024

last updated May 18, 2024