President Garimella’s 9/15/22 Letter with Annotations

Below, the President’s initial statement to the UVM community is annotated to highlight concerning statements and correct the record, using the OCR investigation as the standard.

Highlighted text indicates hostile or accusatory language.

Red text indicates inaccurate, misleading, or incomplete statements of fact.
Clicking on the red text will show corrective information as determined by the OCR’s investigation.

Dear Members of the UVM Community,

This week’s media coverage of an investigation by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) into an anonymous third party’s allegations that the university failed to adequately respond to complaints of anti-Jewish, biased behavior at UVM has painted our community in a patently false light.

While common wisdom dictates remaining patiently silent as we cooperate diligently with an agency’s investigation, I simply cannot do so. These public allegations and our community’s deeply held values call for a strong and immediate response.

UVM is a community with a long, proud history of inclusiveness. We denounce hateful actions and respond briskly and decisively whenever those responsible are identified. UVM is home to a strong and vibrant Jewish community and is recognized as a place where—year after year—many Jewish students, faculty, and staff choose to study, teach, conduct research, practice medicine, and work. As a community, we adhere to Our Common Ground values of respect, integrity, innovation, openness, justice, and responsibility.

The uninformed narrative published this week has been harmful to UVM. Equally importantly, it is harmful to our Jewish students, faculty, staff, and alumni. There is no doubt that antisemitism exists in the world and, despite our best efforts, in our community. Exploitation of fear and divisiveness by advancing false claims that UVM failed to respond to complaints of antisemitic behavior creates confusion and a sense of insecurity for the entire community.

I therefore would like to set the record straight regarding the OCR complaint by sharing the core elements of UVM’s forthcoming response.

Allegation 1. The complaint alleges that the university did not adequately respond to student reports of antisemitism by a teaching assistant.

University response to the incident:

, that an undergraduate teaching assistant made antisemitic remarks and threatened to lower the grades of Jewish students on their personal social media accounts The university’s response to the report was completed by September 30, 2021.

Allegation 2. A group of university students threw rocks at the Hillel building.

University response to the incident: On September 24, 2021, UVM Police responded to a report regarding students throwing small rocks at the Hillel building. The incident was reported to the university administration as an incident of hate and bias the following day. The investigation was immediate,

and that there was no reported damage to the building. The university’s review and response to the police and administrative reports was completed by September 28, 2021.

Allegation 3. Two UVM student organizations excluded students who “expressed support for Zionism” from membership in their organizations.

University response to the incident:

and determined that the groups who apparently made these statements were not recognized UVM student organizations. The unrecognized organizations received no university support and