Music 009: Music Theory Fundamentals

Assignment 25

1. Reading

A. Read S2S, pp. 183 to the top of p. 186
B. Read this first intervals handout.

I am not a big fan of the book’s interval chapter (ch. 6). So the reading from there is short, supplemented by my handout.

2. Written exercises

Complete exx. 6.1 and 6.2 on pp. 203-205. Note that you do not need to indicate interval quality, only the “size” (number).

3. Teoría

Skill 1 Construct 10 5ths of all qualities from a given note, both ascending and descending; no time limit; treble clef.

Skill 2 Identify 10 5ths of all qualities; no time limit; treble clef.

Please do not save practice results, only your most successful efforts.

4. Recognizing melodic intervals by ear

Here are some well-known tunes beginning with perfect 5ths or 4ths:
Ascending 5th: Twinkle, Star Wars
Ascending 4ths: Here Comes the Bride, Wheels on the Bus, Bingo

All these are tonic-to-dominant (5ths) or dominant to tonic (4ths). Be aware that the “feel” of fifths elsewhere in the scale may be slightly different for you.

Here are a couple of good websites for more interval-tune associations:
VCU music theory site