Assignment 24: the minor pentatonic
Read S2S, pp. 284-288. Pages 285-6 refer to interval qualities we have not covered yet; it’s OK if this part is unclear to you.
Complete exercise 8.20 on pp. 300-301. Notate your accidentals neatly and precisely and not too small. Write them as you go, left to right, not after you've written in the noteheads—contrary to some of the directions in the book.
Complete this transposition worksheet. Mind the clefs and the directions, and be sure to include all requested information (lyrics, solfege, scale degree numbers) as indicated.
Here is the tunes handout if you did not get it in class.
Part A Construct major and minor pentatonic scales; no time limit; treble clef. 100 = 10 pts; 95-99 = 9 pts; 90-94 = 8 pts; 85-89 = 6 pts; <85 = 0 pts
Part B Construct major and minor pentatonic scales; no time limit; bass clef. 100 = 10 pts; 95-99 = 9 pts; 90-94 = 8 pts; 85-89 = 6 pts; <85 = 0 pts
Complete the following form. Note that this time your responses are not anonymous. That said, I am not vindictive about constructive course criticism!