Assignment 22: the melodic minor scale
Read S2S pp. 348-353.
Complete ex. 9.25 on p. 379.
Teoría: minor scale construction
Skill 1 Construct 10 minor scales; no time limit; treble clef. 100 = 10 pts; 95-99 = 9 pts; 90-94 = 8 pts; <90 = 0 pts
Skill 2 Construct 10 minor scales; no time limit; bass clef. 100 = 10 pts; 95-99 = 9 pts; 90-94 = 8 pts; <90 = 0 pts
Note: for melodic minor, write the ascending form of the scale.
Practice the patterns shown below. (Or here is a PDF.) These will help prepare you to play “Motherless Child”. Scroll to the bottom of this page for a fingering chart.
Bring your recorder to class Wednesday.
From class: Bach Bourée in E minor
As interpreted by Ian Anderson: