Assignment 18
Read S2S pp. 391-397. As before, you can gloss over any references to the minor scale, which we haven’t covered yet.
Complete exercises 10.7 and 10.8 on p. 408; all of p. 409; and the first six lines of p. 412 (mind the clefs).
Recognizing root-position triads of all qualities in staff notation
Skill 1 ID 10 triads of all qualities (M/m/dim/aug), treble clef, 20 seconds each.
10 correct = 10 pts; 9 correct = 8 pts; 8 correct = 6 pts; 7 correct = 4 pts.
Distinguishing root-position M and m triads by ear
Skill 2 ID 10 M/m triads. No time limit. Note that you can request that triads be arpeggiated by clicking the arpeggio sign (squiggly line) to the left of the speaker icon.
10 correct = 10 pts; 9 correct = 8 pts; 8 correct = 5 pts; 7 correct = 3 pts.
Continue to practice the tunes below and bring your recorder to class Monday.
- “When The Saints Go Marching In” starting on G.
- “Ode to Joy” starting on B. The complete tune is below. Note the syncopation at the return of the first phrase in m. 12-13!
- “Jingle Bells” (chorus)—see how well you can work this out by ear.