Music 009: Music Theory Fundamentals

Assignment 15

Teoría practice: ID thirds in notation

Skill 1: identify quality of thirds, 20 seconds, treble clef, stop after 10, score 90 or higher
Skill 2: identify quality of thirds, 20 seconds, bass clef, stop after 10, score 90 or higher

Teoría practice: ID thirds by ear

Skill 3 identify major and minor thirds, melodically, ascending, 30 seconds, stop after 10, score 90 or higher
Skill 4 identify major and minor thirds, melodically, descending, 30 seconds, stop after 10, score 90 or higher

Use familiar tunes to remember the sound of M and m thirds:

Cool customizable tune-list tool for learning to hear intervals.

Another good list.

Better late than never

If you didn’t complete the thirds construction from Assignment 14, do so before Wednesday:
Skill 1 construct major and minor thirds, 20 seconds, treble clef, stop after 10, score 90 or higher
Skill 2 construct major and minor thirds, 20 seconds, bass clef, stop after 10, score 90 or higher


Again, my lovingly composed page on thirds.

Songs from class

Go to the Track of the Week for songs with pervasive use of of harmonic thirds.