Assignment 13
Test reminders
Remember, there is an answer key to the practice test on this site.
Internalize the focus tunes as best you can. This is not all or nothing: the more you learn and the better you learn each tune, the better you are likely to do on the test.
Teoría major scale and key signature drill
Skill 1: construct major scales, 40 seconds, stop after 7, treble clef, score 90 or higher Skill 2: construct major scales, 40 seconds, stop after 7, bass clef, score 90 or higher Skill 3: construct key signatures, 25 seconds, stop after 8, treble clef, score 87 or higher Skill 4: construct key signatures, 25 seconds, stop after 8, bass clef, score 87 or higher Skill 5: ID key signature, 15 seconds, stop after 10, treble clef, score 90 or higher Skill 6: ID key signature, 15 seconds, stop after 10, bass clef, score 90 or higherNote that in the key signature construction drill (skill 3) you must enter the sharps or flats in the order they are written, left to right, in the key signature—not in scalar order.
Fun stuff
“Da Doo Ron Ron” (original recording by The Crystals, transposed from E-flat to G major).
The entire lead melody uses only Do, Re, and Mi.
Here is a live performance—in the original key, sounding less Chipmunk-y.